Spot the Beedle, get an autographed book!

Guest Blogger  //  Oct 2, 2014

Spot the Beedle, get an autographed book!

In the fictional town of Midnight Gulch, the Beedle is known for his anonymous acts of kindness. This week, we recommend you read A Snicker of Magic by Natalie Lloyd and be inspired to do good deeds in your own neighborhood!
National Do Something Nice Day is on Sunday, October 5th, and we’re asking you to tell us when you spot a Beedle in your neighborhood! Is someone picking up litter? Leaving special gifts for neighbors? Even something as simple as surprising someone with a cupcake or leaving an anonymous thank-you note counts! Send your Beedle sightings to Any reported sightings of good deeds will be rewarded with an autographed copy of A Snicker of Magic! Giving the book to a deserving reader may be your next good deed!
Of course, the Beedle doesn’t only do good deeds on October 5th. Let us know if you see someone “Being the Beedle” in your neighborhood any day this month! 

How you can be the Beedle?

  • Put extra change in the meter
  • Leave nice notes on doorsteps in your neighborhood
  • Put a flower in someone’s mailbox

Sign your good deeds from "the Beedle" and see what happens next!