Happy organize your home office day!

Nadia Almahdi  //  Mar 10, 2015

Happy organize your home office day!

Today is Organize Your Home Office Day! We spend so much time in the office, it can feel like a second home. So even though these aren't *technically* "home offices," we're excited to share some of our office spaces here at Scholastic:


My desk: Around my desk, you'll find my "Reading Gives you Superpowers" cape, Hogwarts Scarf, Klutz crafts, stacks of books on my tbr list, photos from our holiday office party.








Lia shows her Scholastic spirit on her super tidy desk with some of our beautiful Scholastic posters. 










Megan shares her desk space with Captain Underpants and Clifford.











Gina's desk is filled with fun pictures and other miscellaneous memorabilia, including her ticket to Mockingjay movie screening from last fall.









Mike shows his love for the Muppets and Ms. Frizzle on his desk.









Over in Scholastic's Trade department, Jeremy's desk has a ton of books from some of the authors he works with. You can also see the trophy he won in the 2014 Halloween costume contest.







I couldn't resist snapping a photo of this desk space in the Trade floor. Check out that awesome Baby-sitter's Club poster!








This is Deimosa's desk. As the librarian, of course her desk is covered with piles of books.







Here's a close-up of some of the awesome Harry Potter figurines she has!









Hanging above Morgan's desk you'll see a poster by Raina Telgemeier and a Harry Potter poster in the corner.








Brittany may be the least grumpy person in the office, but she proudly shows her love of Grumpy Cat at her desk. Brittany also shows her Harry Potter spirit with a small, snowy owl.