Word Nerd Wednesday: How good is your grammar?

Lia Zneimer  //  Aug 13, 2014

Word Nerd Wednesday: How good is your grammar?

In brainstorming topics for upcoming Word Nerd Wednesday posts, I realized something embarrassing: I'm really out-of-touch with basic grammar rules. It's not the use of said rules, per se—those I'm generally okay with—but I find that, that even as a self-proclaimed word nerd, I have a hard time explaining the why behind sentence syntax. Basic writing rules may be deeply ingrained in my memory, but the explanations behind them? Not so much. (For me, it's almost like I know it when I see it.)

Luckily, there are a few quizzes that I stumbled upon that brought me back from planet punctuation to planet Earth. Want to test your own knowledge of proper grammar? Try these quizzes:

  • How Well Do You Actually Remember Elementary School Grammar? (via BuzzFeed)
  • Test Yourself: Editing Practice (via The New York Times)
  • Are These Song Lyrics Grammatically Correct? (via BuzzFeed)
  • 7 Punctuation Marks Used In Famous Quotes (via BuzzFeed)

Bonus: quizzes from the UK! (These might be trickier as the use of American English and British English can sometimes vary.)

Plus, while we're talking about quizzes...

How'd you do? Did you ace the quizzes? What are the trickiest rules for you to remember? We'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments!