In Our Feeds: Quizzes, profound children's books, and Mockingjay

Morgan Baden  //  Nov 20, 2015

In Our Feeds: Quizzes, profound children's books, and Mockingjay

Each Friday, we share a handful of links we found interesting, provocative, funny — or just plain cool. We call it In Our Feeds. Enjoy!

Call it a pre-holiday content rush, but I found myself clicking on tons of great links this week...and not surprisingly, Mockingjay was heavily featured. (Did we mention "Mockingjay Part 2" opened this weekend?!) So if you're in a Katniss kind of mood, check out this Vanity Fair piece about the dystopian design of The Hunger Games movies? (Thanks to Brittany for the link!)

If you're in a quizzy mood, Julia brought this to my attention: yes, it's the hardest book cover quiz you'll ever take. (I failed.)

If you're in an existential "what are we all even doing here anyway, things are terrible" mood (and who isn't after the events of this past week), thanks to Michael for showing me these 30 books that will restore your faith in humanity. I know I turn to books in times of stress, so this was incredibly affirming.

If you're feeling nostalgic, here are 15 children's books you didn't realize were so profound until you re-read them as adults. (H/t Alex!)

And finally, if you're in a self-reflection place in your life right now, here's something for ya: what your favorite YA novel says about you. (Thanks, Julia!)

Have a safe and happy almost-Thanksgiving weekend, friends.