Scholastic Librarians

Librarican™ Spotlight: Cicely Lewis

Guest Blogger  //  Mar 1, 2021

Librarican™ Spotlight: Cicely Lewis

Welcome to our Librarican™ Spotlight series, where we take librarians out of the stacks and into the spotlight and shine a light on what makes them true reading heroes. What’s a librarican™, you ask? This is a special term that we created, inspired by the can-do super power of librarians!

We’re honored to have our first post feature the super talented, superstar librarian, Cicely Lewis, the 2020 School Librarian of the Year! Not only is she passionate about connecting with her students (by even taking on TikTok dance challenges and loving it), Cicely also started Read Woke, Inc., a non-profit that provides scholarships and books to students in underserved communities. Get to know Cicely and see what makes this librarian a librarican™!

Who are you most starstruck by?

Cicely Lewis: Beyoncé

What are your go-to fun facts about yourself?

CL: I speak Spanish, I am named after the famous award-winning actress Cicely Tyson, and Madam Vice President Kamala Harris is my sorority sister.

What is a mind-boggling fact you read about recently?

CL: I didn’t know Amanda Gorman, the poet laureate had a speech impediment. She is truly an example of how if you work hard you can achieve your goals.

What is one object you can’t live without at your library desk?

CL: Scratch paper, I always have something to write down: a new idea, a reminder, etc. So, I keep recycled cut up scraps of paper at the desk.

How have you pivoted professionally during the pandemic?

CL: I have purchased more ebooks for our digital learners. I also go home on time now. I don’t stay late anymore and I am more focused on self-care.

Which book character would you trade places with in a heartbeat?

CL: Zélie from Children of Blood and Bone, because I love that she has magical powers and she fights back. Plus, she has cool hair.

What is something new that you just tried?

CL: I tried a Venezuelan hamburger for the first time and I loved it. Also, I recently made my first TikTok and I am hooked. I love learning all of the dances and doing the challenges.

What is the one book you can read over and over again?

CL: Michelle Obama’s Becoming

What do you like the most about being a librarian?

CL: I get to buy books! So many books!

What made you want to become a librarian?

CL: I loved inspiring students to read, I love helping teachers and I love community service. So, being in the library gives me an opportunity to do all of those things.


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