Five tips to help kids get ready for the test

Guest Blogger  //  Mar 10, 2017

Five tips to help kids get ready for the test

Today we welcome Windy Lopez-Aflitto from Learning Heroes back to to the blog! Below, Windy shares five ways to help your kids get ready for state testing.

Finally, spring is almost in the air! This means longer days and more sunshine – and it also means your child’s annual state test is coming up. The state test is another important way for you to get an accurate picture of how ready your child is to succeed in the next grade.

Although test nerves and anxiety are real, the good news is there are several actions you can take to help your child prepare. To help bring you the information and resources you need, Learning Heroes, in collaboration with National PTA and Scholastic, has created Ready for the Test.

Here are five simple ways you can learn more about the state test and help your child feel confident and ready:

  1. See how it all fits together. Along with grades and classroom work, the state test is another measure of how well your child is meeting grade-level expectations in math and English. Even if your child gets good grades, pay attention to their state test results. The results can serve as an early warning sign that your child may need more support with specific skills.

  2. Look at last year’s results. Last year’s state test results can help you understand where your child may still need extra support and where progress has been made this year.

  3. Take a practice test. The state test measures the skills your child is learning in class. While your child can’t study for this test, looking at sample test questions or a practice test lets you know what’s expected and is a great way to help relieve test anxiety. Go to for your state’s practice test and to learn more about the test overall.

  4. Ask the teacher. It’s important to know the basics such as: How long does the test take? What are the testing days? When will I get the results? How will the teacher use the results? Be sure to connect with your child’s teacher and ask about details like these so you and your child know what to expect.

  5. Tackle test nerves. Test anxiety is a normal part of life and this is an important opportunity to help your child learn how to overcome nerves. Help build confidence and show your child how to take on challenges with a positive attitude and determination. Remind your child to take his or her time, to take deep breaths, and focus on the questions he or she knows first.

For more easy-to-use information and resources (in English/Spanish) to support your child’s academic, social, and emotional learning throughout the year, check out our new website. And, share and follow parent tips on how to help your child at home using #bealearninghero.




Photo via Ryan Stanton