
Nadia Almahdi  //  Oct 7, 2014


OK, I'll confess! I LOVE a good mystery! I had a mystery-themed birthday party when I turned 12. Clue is one of my all-time favorite movies (and my favorite board game.) And of course, I love mystery books.

Books have an amazing ability to take you in to another world - one with new people, places, and adventures. I think part of the allure of mysteries is that readers can participate. You can help the characters find clues and crack the case.   

I can’t remember the first mystery series I read, but I’m pretty sure it was one of The Baby-Sitter’s Club Mysteries or Super Mysteries. I can say with certainty that once I uncover a mystery series I like, I read as many as I could get my hands on.

In honor of Mystery Series Week, here are some of my picks for mysteries:


For more book suggestions, check out this post on Scholastic Parent’s Raise a Reader blog!