
Morgan Baden  //  Mar 25, 2014


Maybe because I'm a twin, I grew up really interested in stories about switches -- like babies switched at birth, or moms and their teen daughters switched on freaky Fridays. (It might have something to do with a family legend that says my dad may have possibly switched me and my twin sister--accidentally--as newborns.) So I can't wait to dive into one of our new releases this month: Switched at Birthday, the new middle grade novel from Natalie Standiford!

In it, Lavender and Scarlet, two girls with little in common except for the same birthday, switch bodies after a birthday wish gone wrong. It's misfit versus popular girl, only they're now living each other's lives, and seeing just how different reality can be from perception.

Switching characters can be so fun, and as we thought about Lavender and Scarlet, a new idea came to us: what other literary characters would we like to see switch places?

For example, have you ever imagined what would happen if you swapped Katniss in for Hermione during finals season at Hogwarts? Or if Jane Austen's Emma showed up in Bridget Jones's present-day London?

Megan wants to see Eloise switching with Alice from Alice in Wonderland — Eloise needs an adventure and a place to exert her energy, while poor Alice deserves a day of R&R at the Plaza! Anne, meanwhile, thinks swapping Curious George and Winnie the Pooh would be an adventure worth telling.

Who would you like to see swap places?