Robert Sabuda presents The White House

Brooke Shearouse  //  Jan 13, 2016

Robert Sabuda presents The White House

Take a tour of the White House, courtesy of bestselling author and paper engineer Robert Sabuda, in his newest book, The White House: A Pop-Up of Our Nation’s Home. Watch Robert in the book trailer below to learn more about his latest creation. You can also watch a demo of Robert creating the White House pop-up on Sprout’s “Sunny Side Up,” a national preschool morning show from NBC.

Readers can travel behind the scenes of the office of the executive branch and the residence of the president and his family. Travel through time and discover the North Face of the White House, the East Room, the Lincoln Bedroom, the Rose Garden, the Oval Office, and the South Lawn of the White House. The text includes the poem “Inauguration Day” by Richard Watson Gilder, adapted by Robert Sabuda.