#CelebrateHarry: What is your childhood book patronus?

Michael Barrett  //  Jul 9, 2014

#CelebrateHarry: What is your childhood book patronus?

In honor of Harry Potter month, we are providing some fun posts all month long related to our favorite wizard.

One of the best parts of the series was the idea of patronus - a magical guardian that protects you in your darkest hour.

In the series, this semi-tangible guardian resembles that of a spirit animal, generated by your happiest memory. For instance, Harry's patronus is a stag, while Hermonie's is an otter (side note: my favorite animal).

I decided to mix things up a bit and ask our OOM bloggers, "If the patronus charm transformed into your favorite childhood book, what would it be and why?"

Let's see... "Expecto Patronum!"


The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. This quote always spoke to me: “On ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.” ("One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes.")


The Baby-sitters Club series is my patronus. I read one when I'm feeling stressed and need comfort. Those gals always seem to protect me somehow! 

Michael S.:

I am pretty sure that the ‘Pale Green Pants’ were my dementors! I really, really loved the Amelia Bedelia books growing up. I can remember laughing hysterically at her ‘sponge cake.’ 


I loved Angelina Ballerina when I was little. I took ballet lessons and was a really rambunctious, unfocused kid (I was sent to "ballet time-out" basically every day).  So I always related to Angelina because she would make a lot of mistakes and get in trouble, but loved to dance and wanted so badly to be the star of the show. I read all of the books!


As for me, I believe There is a Monster at the End of this Book is my patronus. Humor is always my go-to when warding off negative energy. In addition, this book taught me the value of patience and understand that "there is nothing to fear, but fear itself." 


What would be your childhood book patronus? Share in the comments below or on social @Scholastic #CelebrateHarry.


Don't forget to check out the fun events we have going on at The Scholastic Store (New York City) this month.
