5 questions with Cynthia Lord

Megan Kaesshaefer  //  Nov 17, 2015

5 questions with Cynthia Lord

Today we're thrilled to welcome author Cynthia Lord to the blog! Cynthia is the author of the Shelter Pet Squad series and an avid animal lover. Read on to hear about how she became a writer, why animals inspire her, and why she says her spirit animal is a loon. We've also got a free sample chapter to share — here's chapter one of book one in the series, Jelly Bean

If you could spend one day in the world of any of your books, which one would you choose and why?
I would enjoy spending a day in any of my books. Hot Rod Hamster’s world would be fast and exciting. The settings of my novels would feel wonderfully familiar. But if I could only choose one book, I would spend a day with the Shelter Pet Squad kids and the pets at the Maplewood Animal Shelter.  I volunteer at my own local animal shelter, and it’s so satisfying to help animals find new homes with people who will love and care for them. It feels like I’m introducing new best friends to each other. 

Who or what was the biggest influence on your writing?
I became a writer at school. It was my teachers who read to me and encouraged me in writing. In fact, it was my high school English teacher who said, “Cindy, you are a writer.” No one had ever said those words to me before. So when I went to college, I took a few writing classes, just because that teacher believed in me as a writer.

What animal inspired you to write about pets?
One day about three years ago, I saw a photo of a guinea pig named “Cookies and Cream” that was available for adoption at my local animal shelter. I loved him from that moment!  But I was leaving in the morning for several school visits, so it wasn’t a good time to add a new pet to our family. I couldn’t stop thinking about him, though. Every night after school, I checked the website to see if he was still available. He didn’t get adopted while I was away, so when I got home, the first thing I did was add Cookie to our family.

Going through the adoption process and meeting the staff at the shelter (including the kids who volunteer) helped inspire the series.

Who is your favorite character in Shelter Pet Squad?
I like all the characters, but Suzannah is the most like me. When I was young, I wanted a dog, but my dad always said “no.” Then one day we were at a store that had some puppies for sale. My sister and I did our usual sad-faced begging, “Pleeeeeease?” We expected my dad to say “no,” but this time he said, “Ask your mother.” We rejoiced, because my mother loved dogs and said, “Yes.”

We named our puppy “Peanut,” because he was the color of peanut butter. He became one of my best friends. Peanut knew when it was time for the school bus to bring me home. He would sit in the window and watch for me. No matter what kind of day I’d had, he was always there with his tail wagging, his nose on the window, so excited to greet me. I still remember how much I wanted a pet of my own, just like Suzannah, and how happy I was to finally have one.

What is your spirit animal?
My spirit animal would be a loon. Loons spend the winter on the ocean and the summer on lakes, two of my favorite places. Loons take great care of their chicks, and the adults communicate with each other through a series of calls. I grew up on a lake and would hear those loon songs in the early morning as the loons started their day. Family is very important to me, too. My family and I often check in with each other, just like the loons do—except my family uses texting and cell phones. One of my novels, Half A Chance, centers around loons and a lake in New Hampshire, much like the lake where I grew up.